Youth and women empowerment


The youths constitute about 60% of the Nigerian population. The involvement of youths in agricultural activities will help reduce the ageing farming population,provide jobs, and reduce unemployment both in Nigeria and and Africa.
Increased youth participation in agriculture is expedient in ensuring nutritional and food security. Affordable and appropriate technology will attract the youthful population into agriculture because the deployment of modern technology will reduce time waste and drudgery and increase agricultural productivity and quality.
At jln farmers Academy we use technology to teach young farmers modern agricultural methods,pre – post harvest farm management, market linkages and value additions.
In jln farmers Academy, technology play a lead role in helping the youths at the end of their training (1-3 months) access inputs, training and extension services that will help them to market and sell their products in the domestic, regional and international markets.
Jln agric implementation services Ltd, will like to partner with government at various levels-local government,states and federal government and non- governmental organizations in training and building the capacity of these youths which will help to reduce unemployment and ensure food security.


According to FAO gender Dept about 43% of the agricultural labor force in developing countries are women and 79% of these women largely depend on agriculture as their primary source of income.
Most households are directed by women yet their access to productive resources is limited through lack of capital,illetracy, and method of traditional land aquisition e.t.c.
These rural women should be empowered to have equal access and chance in the agricultural sector.
At jln farmers academy , our empowerment program is to help bridge the gender gap by training the women in modern agricultural practice,pre – post harvest management, links to credit and farm inputs, market linkages that will put them at par or compete with the menfolks.
Jln agric implementation services Ltd will also like to partner with government at various levels and non – governmental organizations in bridging the gender gap in the agricultural sector.